Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Darting and Fluttering around Android

Looking for Android tools and libraries has led me to the Flutter UI Framework, which looks to be Google's dice throw for the "next big thing".  I personally like Dart as a language, and anything less verbose and simpler than Java is a plus.

After working with Android Studio a while, I discovered I am more productive with vim and the command line.  Flutter environment supports a lot of development functionality with the flutter command, and so my long term habits of edit -> make -> test fit right in.

Getting up to speed in a new and rapidly changing development environment is always broadening, and I am happy to find many different approaches to design.  It looks like a lot has been learned from the Javascript struggles, and flutter seems to have a decent versioning/packaging/distribution system in place, using git.

So I am further down the rabbit hole, through the looking glass, and learning about Material Design, Reactive Programming for Dart, and the BloC Design pattern.

Once I digest this and become productive, it's back to the ArdOsc Android app to rewrite it in Flutter with Material Design, and try to get it working on the iPad as well.

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